People have been living with animals for thousands of years. Dogs are the most common species of animal pets which are believed to have developed from wolves a long time ago. That means that the reasons for keeping dogs as pets are very complex.
People as natural beings have always needed to live by nature, obeying and respecting the rules of it and its elements. Animals, just like people are natural beings and along with people they can communicate and respond to human demands.
Humans discovered that they can control and exploit nature with the help of animals. That is how the cooperation started. Later on, it changed and took different directions.
As the most common species of animal pets, dogs are said to be men’s best friends. Perhaps, it is because of their inability to speak, better to say judge, and a fantastic ability to listen.
It is said that about 70% of people are current dog owners. It is a huge number and there are so many reasons behind the decision to get a dog. All those reasons can be grouped into self-related, socially-based and dog-related motivations for having a dog as a pet.
Let us have a look at the most common causes of dog-owning.
- First of all, companionship, not only for the elderly but also for the young,
- Next, protection and rescue purposes,
- Also, helping a dog in need,
- Then, modern lifestyle or status symbols,
- Finally, dogs as money-making machines.
Canine Companions
Many people are lonely these days. Modern life and all its turmoils left people in solitude. This is often the case with elderly people whose young work a lot and have no time for their older family members. They need company and having no other business, they need obligations to make them move.
Therefore, people turn to animals as true friends, good listeners that can’t respond but can love unconditionally. Also, good friendships with dogs can be established fast which is not the case with humans.
Dogs provide them with entertainment but also make them active. Taking dogs on walks makes elderly people go out and communicate with their neighbours or other dog walkers. So besides the activity, they can also make some real human friends.
Not only do elderly people need company but also children, especially if they are single in a family, find good friends with dogs. They play together, they go out, do activities and have fun. Also, they attract other children’s attention so they usually gather around the dog and the single child is not alone anymore.
With children, dogs usually serve as a substitute for parental absence. Parents work long hours and are unhappy that their child is alone, so they try to provide some comfort for their children’s loneliness.
This motivation, of a dog as a companion, is not only self-driven but also dog-related and socially based. It provides physical exercise, improves mental health and benefits psychosocial conditions.
As a rescuer, who is in constant need of good adopters, this motivation is pretty acceptable for an adoption application.
Dogs have always served as alarms. Usually kept in the yard, in the past, dogs had the role to frighten unwanted visitors and inform their owners about them. Today, they have almost the same role but the conditions they live in are better than in the past.
A lot of break-ins have been reported recently and I have read several advertisements asking for protection dogs. One of my friends has lost her dog in her house robbery. The robbers killed the unfortunate chihuahua, so now, she’s got a bigger dog.
Feeling lonely in a house is not pleasant, but having a dog beside you is much more comforting. At least you won’t talk to yourself anymore.
Fearless, active and wise dogs are good for the rescue teams. People tend to help others with the help of dogs. Dogs pass very strenuous training to be able to search and help people in the most difficult occasions like earthquakes, avalanches and ruins. This society-oriented motive is also good for working dogs because they prefer an active to sedentary life. From this, we can conclude that this motivation is also dog driven.

Along with protection and rescue dogs, there are also assistance dogs who help disabled people. These dogs are very worthy animals doing great service and being very useful to their owners. Self-motivation and society-based causes become a perfect match if dog motivation is added.
Protection, rescue and assistance dogs are very welcome in society because they replace the whole team of people and also machines that should be involved in such actions.
Unwanted Dogs
The next reason is both self-related and dog-related as it includes people’s feelings for the poor creatures. Abandoned, hurt and with a horrible past, dogs’ stories touch some hearts that would like to do a good deed and help those helpless critters.
This is one of the best motives, very appreciated by dog charities who look for caring and responsible dog adopters. The decision is so rewarding because dogs appreciate and are very thankful to be saved.
It is not scientifically proven that they remember, but from my experience, I can say that they do remember well what they went through. That is how they know to value the person that saved them.
This idea of having a dog is intrinsically motivated which means the pets are valued as they are. The owner is satisfied with the basic idea of owning a dog, not expecting anything but what a dog innately is.
The motivation behind this dog-owning decision is also socially based because it makes you a better person. If you help an animal in need you will for sure help anyone who needs human help. More such people will make a better society, which is much needed and appreciated these days.
Doing good for someone in need makes the world a better place!
Status Symbols
Dogs as status symbols are very popular these days. It is fashionable to buy small breeds, pay a lot of money for them and carry them in bags with their heads sticking out. It’s cool, isn’t it? It may be ok for owners, but what about dogs’ needs?
As this kind of fashion spreads fast and is “contagious”, people feel the need to prove themselves stylish. Heads sticking out of the bags, not knowing what hit them, poor creatures look so sad and helpless.
This is one of the poorest reasons for having a dog. It’s only a one-sided agreement in which only a human wins.
Moreover, in many cases, dogs are affected by this human selfishness. Dogs’ basic needs are neglected and human stylish habits are transferred to the poor creatures. Their fur is dyed, washed too often, combed and styled and their nails are painted, polished and varnished.
This motive is self-related, extrinsically inspired in which a person is concerned only about their benefits and societal status. It is selfishly driven motivation not valued by many, including rescuers.
Money-making Machines
The topic that I don’t like at all is that people use dogs to get at the money. Unfortunately, it is a widespread stimulation for dog-owning. What I keep telling people is that they should find a job and earn money, and not use poor, speechless, defenceless creatures for passive income.
During the years of my rescue missions, I have seen horrific sights of animals used for breeding. Most of the dogs I have seen were neglected, kept in small, filthy cages usually in sheds behind the house in order not to be seen, heard or smelt. They are used only to produce puppies and earn money for their owners. Their needs do not matter.
Also, there is a story from my neighbourhood that two show dogs were kept in a cage in the separate trunk of their owner’s car. Even though they were fed twice a day and walked after meal time still, they lived most of their lives in that cage, in the dark.
However, there are only a few examples of good dog breeders in which dogs are kept in pretty good conditions. If they may be even called breeders because their primary income wasn’t selling puppies. These people had their regular jobs and just had a few litters because someone promised them their dogs’ good health.
To sum up, we can say that dogs are the most common pets on Earth. They have been men’s best friends for thousands of years and the reasons are various but grouped among three main motivations: self-related, dog-related and socially-based.
When the decision for accepting a dog into a family is driven by the first two factors, it means the best match. It implies that both sides are satisfied. These motives hide behind the idea of a dog as a companion and helping a dog in need. Isn’t it nice when all sides are satisfied?
With service dogs, status symbols and money-making dogs the reasons drastically differ. Here, owning a dog is either self-related, as the person is concerned about their benefits, or socially driven because they need to be acknowledged by others. In this case, pets are seen as objects for human pleasure or means to get at what they want.
However, it should be noted that if one is not ready to give and take, one should not get a dog. No relationship is good if it doesn’t meet mutual concessions and compromises and share the benefits!
Feel free to share your opinions and experiences in the comments below. You can also read my other blogs about dog breeds and getting a pet dog or my rescue stories.
A dog is the only one on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.